Have you ever wondered
about where you belong?
or have you felt a calling to go home and are not sure what that meant?
about the history, customs or roles people have on the Marae?
what makes the Marae so special to Maori?
Here's How Paiaka Can Help
If you joined us in Te Kakano you'll have already started to understand the Maori connection with the land.
Paiaka is a 10 week program that will focus more on protocol around Marae. Here we discover the mythology of a Marae and understand why Marae are scared spaces. You'll gain a clear understanding of the roles and protocols of the Marae, walking away with admiration and respect for the traditions that we have held sacred in our culture for generations.
Using the marae model we learn the art of a kaikaranga who has the role of a formal ceremonial welcoming to visitors on a marae which is the basis of a mihi - all of which we will discover in greater detail during the course of this program.
We will also take a sneak peek into the Four Pillars of wellbeing and understand the significance of this as it relates to our sacred Marae.

This is for those who are curious and eager to learn the language, customs and protocols of Te Ao Maori.
It's for people who are curious to learn the language while also understanding why Maori have certain customs and traditions that we hold close to our hearts.
This is for people who can carve out the time in their lives to come to class and practice.
This is for open-minded and nonjudgmental students to learn and flourish together.
This is also for people who are ready to make mistakes and learn along the way.
Who is this for?

but you can call me Tee
I'm Te Huinga
I have been teaching for over eight years full time now. I have a Bachelor of degree in Education specialisation in Te Reo Maori. I’m very passionate about teaching and sharing my knowledge of what I have learned and practised about the Maori language and customs. Regardless of where you may situate yourself on the learning spectrum of knowing nothing or knowing a lot, we can nurture your learning and understanding.

kind words
‘Learning Te Reo Maori is the heart of our culture here in NZ. Essentially an important essence of learning our identity, our heritage, and our Tangata Whenua Learn Te Reo with Tee, and you will gain not only confidence but will grow to love the language and the true meaning behind the beautiful customs and traditions’

Paiaka - The Marae
This program teaches us how to introduce ourselves in Te Reo Maori. You will learn the fundamentals of structure and pronunciation with no previous experience required.
Here's what ya get
- 10 weeks of online learning held on Zoom. Each lesson runs for 90 - 120 minutes.
- All lessons are recorded and will be available for replay in the Student Portal
- You'll have access to support for 5 days a week for the duration of our studies
- BONUS resources to take your understanding to a deeper level, for optional support.
- There will be self paced online quizzes and resources to help build your confidence
Access to Student Portal, where you'll find all the links to the classes and everything you need.
BONUS Content designed for students to fully immerse themselves before class even begins
Access to self-paced programs to build your confidence and practice pronunciation in your own time.
(This is optional and just a bonus to help support you as much as possible.)
An opportunity to meet, celebrate and connect with like-minded people in the student community hub. Build lifelong friends or simply get together to practice with one another!
As well as
Module 01

Introduction to a Marae setting
The mythology of a Marae and understanding why Marae are our sacred spaces.
Turangawaewae understanding and learning how and why our Marae is our turangawaewae, our place of belonging.
Learn the different roles on a Marae and their importance
The Marae
Module 02

Introduction to a basic mihi (predominantly for males however, females also learn and can speak at times).
Construct our basic mihi for a Marae gathering
Use of whakatauki (proverbs) for our basic mihi
pronunciation and practice of our mihi
Module 03

Implement our whakatauki into our mihi.
Linking our mihi and pepeha together.
practise a simple waiata tautoko (support song of the speaker)
Stand and present our mihi to the group
Unpacking and differentiating our mihi from a marae setting to a gathering
Mihi Mai
Mihi Atu
best value
Immediate Access
10 weeks of learning
Support 5 Days a Week
Opportunities for 1-1 Coaching
Access to Exclusive BONUSES
Discount on Follow Up Programs
$30 a class
most popular
$100 saving
20 weeks of learning
Immediate Access
Support 5 Days a Week
Opportunities for 1-1 Coaching
Access to Exclusive BONUSES
Te Kakano & Paiaka Program included
$25 a class
most exclusive
$500 saving
32 weeks of learning
Immediate Access
Support 5 Days a Week
2 x private 1-1 lesson
Access 7 Exclusive BONUSES
Discount on Follow Up Programs
Access to Te Kakano, Paiaka and Tumu
$25 per class